For Homeowners
Managing Invasive Species on Your Property
Having invasives on your property can be a huge problem. Not only are they harmful to the environment, but some can also damage foundations and driveways or pose a human safety risk. Several species are also considered “noxious weeds" and are legislated by the provincial government and you are legally required to remove them if you have them on your property.
Many invasive plants can be safely and effectively controlled manually and can be tackled on your own. It is important to know exactly what species you have, as management options are species-specific. If you need help identifying or confirming the species you are dealing with, send a photo to us by e-mail or text and we can do our best to help!
The Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver works with the Metro Vancouver Regional District and many experts across the region to develop locally tested and science-based best practices for practitioners (e.g., municipal staff, contractors, landscapers, developers, stewardship groups and others) to manage a growing list of invasive species. These species-specific guides provide the best local information on identification, tracking, management, disposal and restoration. The best management practices are available on our website, along with accompanying 2-page factsheets for each species, and a local brochure.
Some invaders, such as knotweed species and toxic plants like giant hogweed, require special care or chemical treatments and it is recommended that you hire a trained professional to remove them. The Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver does not provide treatments on residential property. Local governments in Metro Vancouver also do not provide treatments on residential property but may be able to provide support such as a list of contractors that do work within the municipality. Download this flyer for tips on hiring a qualified contractor.
For additional resources, check out the priority plants in our region.