Our Board
The ISCMV Board of Directors provides executive direction to the society. Directors serve for 3-year terms and are elected by our membership at the Annual General Meeting. Directors on the Board represent diverse perspectives and interests.
Current Board of Directors (listed in alphabetical order by first name):
- Amy Hendel, Diamond Head Consulting (Co-Executive Chair)
- Brian Campbell, West Coast Seeds
- Graham Watson, Ministry of Transportation
- Ken Crosby, City of Surrey (Vice-Chair)
- Kim Houghton, City of Delta (Co-Executive Chair)
- Laurie Bates-Frymel, Metro Vancouver Regional District
- Lisa Dreves, Langley Environmental Partners Society (Secretary)
- Matthew Syvenky, student
- Melinda Yong, City of Burnaby
- Paul Cipywnyk, Byrne Creek Streamkeepers Society
- Richard Topp, Ducks Unlimited
- Scott Walmsley, City of Port Coquitlam (Treasurer)
Top row: Lisa Dreves (Secretary), Tasha Murray (former Executive Director), Graham Watson, Richard Topp
Second row: Paul Cipywnyk, Melinda Yong, Laurie Bates-Frymel, Amy Hendel (Co-Executive Chair)
Third row: Scott Walmsley (Treasurer), Ken Crosby (Vice-Chair), Matthew Syvenky, Julia Alards-Tomalin (former director)
Missing: Brian Campbell, Kim Houghton
If you are interested in joining our Board, please check out our join us page.